Intelligent People



Fenglong Ma's photo
Assistant Professor

Dr. Fenglong Ma received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, the State University of New York at Buffalo in 2019. Before that, he obtained M.S. and B.S. degrees from Dalian University of Technology in China. He was honored to be recognized as the awardee of the NSF CAREER Award, Sony Research Award, and UB CSE 2019 Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award. He was also recognized as AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Honorable Mention in Data Mining (2022 and 2023) and 2022 Global Top 50 Chinese Rising Stars in Data Mining.

Visiting Scholars

Sileshi Nibret Zeleke's photo
Sileshi Nibret Zeleke

2024.12 --
Ph.D. student, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
Research topics: explainable AI, federated learning, healthcare


Ph.D. Students

Jiaqi Wang's photo
Jiaqi Wang
Cohort: 2021.5 -- (2019.8 - 2021.5 working with Prof. Squicciarini)
B.E. and M.S., Zhejiang University, China
Research topics: federated learning, healthcare informatics
Ziyi Yin's photo
Ziyi Yin
Cohort: 2022.8 -- (Coadvisor: Ting Wang)
B.E. and M.S., Xi'an Jiaotong University, China (Honors Youth/Gifted Young Program)
Research topics: multimodal learning, AI in security
Xiaochen Wang's photo
Xiaochen Wang
Cohort: 2022.8 --
B.E., Central South University, China
M.S., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Research topics: medical multimodal learning
Yuan Zhong's photo
Yuan Zhong
Cohort: 2022.8 --
B.S., University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
M.S., Boston University, Massachusetts
Research topics: healthcare informatics
Aofei Chang's photo
Aofei Chang
Cohort: 2023.8 --
B.S., Peking University, China
Research topics: multimodal learning, multimodal large language models
Lingwei's photo
Lingwei Zhang
Cohort: 2025.8 --
B.S., Tsinghua University (Yao Class), China
M.S., Johns Hopkins University
Research topics: multimodal large language models, multimodal knowledge graphs

Master's Students

Tianrun Yu's photo
Tianrun Yu
Cohort: 2024.8 --
B.S., Shenzhen University, China
Research topics: federated learning


  • Xiaokun Zhang (Visiting Ph.D., 2024): Postdoc at City University of Hongkong
  • Muchao Ye (Ph.D., 2024): Tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at The University of Iowa
  • Junyu Luo (Ph.D., 2024): Research Scientist at Tiktok
  • Guanjie Huang (Ph.D., 2021): Research Scientist at Meta
  • Liwei Che (M.Sc., 2023): Ph.D. student in CS at Rutgers University
  • Yao Xiao (M.Sc., 2022): Discover
  • Sean Rendar (B.Sc., 2022): Fab Lab Education Facilitator
  • Sarah Farooq (B.Sc., 2023): Northrop Grumman

Summer Interns